We’ve been talking about backups for a few posts now. It’s a critically important topic whether we’re talking about business or personal files. Data loss really stinks and can be very costly.Backups are the antidote for that. That much said, sometimes people think because they have a copy of their […]
Monthly Archives: September 2019
A backup for your business (or even personal) data is so essential. Hard drives and other storage media die. It’s just a matter of time. Usually it happens without warning. Files get deleted or overwritten accidentally. The bad scenarios for your data could go on and on. “I was cleaning […]
Time Machine Style Backups for Servers with Rsnapshot
Databases…. Once upon a time most people used databases as a single file. One of my first clients had an Access database that would get corrupted so often and I’d have to fix it for them. Over the years I was introduced to database servers and for a long time […]
MySQL Database Replication
Data Loss will happen. Hard drives fail, laptops get dropped, water drips through ceilings, fires happen… Yes bad things happen and at some point that hard drive you save all your business files on will fail. It might not be today or tomorrow and it may give you warning. But […]
Backup or Lose Data
We’ve decided to start a blog here at Diversified Tech Solutions. There are a number of topics that we want to be giving updates on that just don’t fit into the structure of the main web site. So, check back for updates, subscribe to the feed and we will be […]